Sustainability is a word too often used which leads to the loss of the meaning of the word itself. For us sustainability is a social goal and a conscious effort for people to co-exist on Earth for a long time. Since we need this planet, not the other way around.


Our menu is planned to honor the owners’ South European roots and traditions. We like to serve tasty and versatile food focusing on ingredients gathered from the Finnish and European produces available based on the seasons. Our lunch and dinner menus always include significantly more vegetables than animal proteins creating a fully balanced meal. We only use local, seasonal and organic and/or biodynamic vegetables. Our beef is sourced mainly from two small Finnish farms, where the beef is grass fed and pasture raised. The fish and seafood used are always 100% sustainably sourced and certified.


We thrive to be able to reduce waste with our actions. No single-use plastic is used in the kitchen (e.g. clean film, containers etc.), we try to circulate ingredients from lunch to dinner in order to minimize food waste. By-products from preparing the dishes are created constantly and used in dishes, e.g. lemon skins are transformed to jams, cakes are made from leftover breads. The vegetable peels and cuts from fish are turned in to delicious stocks.

We take action even with our cleaning practices. We don't use vacuum bags, our cleaning products are planet friendly and certified such as bark soap and soap made from our recycled oils. We have ozonated water available helping us with the sanitation of the spaces.

Helping to improve our functions, all waste is carefully measured and the data is added to our waste management system. We are then able to see concretely what effects our actions cause.


We focus on reusing items to longer their lifetime. The interior of the restaurant was designed with recycled materials and furniture is sourced mainly secondhand. When we receive products that are packaged, the packages are emptied and sent back to be used again and again.


We always recycle our packaging cardboards, metals, glass bottles, unavoidable plastics and biowaste. These are always carefully sorted and recycled. Since we are not yet able to function totally without waste, recycling is the least we can do. ­Our aim is to reduce the waste we produce even if recycled, keeping prices fair and a quality that we can be proud of.

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